Tuesday 10 September 2013

Rebirth Into Love: Shamanic Processes & Journeying Workshop

With Avi Esther Shekinah

The Albany Club, London NW1 4DY
Investment £175 single, £300 couple
(Please email to apply for concession)

To book your place:
email thegoldenlightlondon@gmail.com for direct debit information 

Oct 18-20 Friday 6:30-9:30, Sat.+Sun 10am-6pm Step 1 --  Healing Focus on the root of your issues. To accept what happened, by experiencing what you needed to happen, so you can let go and prosper.
"My relationship with the world, life and love."  

Birth Into Being Level 1 - focus on healing misalignments and traumas from conception, gestation and birth. 

Avi Esther Shekinah is highly trained and experienced in Deep Shamanic Healing Transformation and Empowerment over the last 16 years. In the last 4 years, Avi Esther, has focused her work on Ecstatic Birthing which has given rise to Rebirth Into Love where she brings her gifts of love and joy to everybody.

Rebirth Into Love & Birth Into Being is a 2.5 day workshop healing journey into your soul - a remembrance of who you are and rebirthing into your physical body an immediate understanding of unconditional love. It combines breath, movement and dancing, guided meditation and sacred oil anointing. The combination of exercises and processes allow your mind to reprogram itself with love and ease which releases corresponding hormones and chemicals into your body which actually begins to transform your genetic coding to reproduce this in your body and life. With practice; love, ease and abundance become your reality in everyday life. 

These workshops build on one another as we go deeper within, freeing and releasing parts that are stuck in old patterns so to rise higher and expand greater into freedom and empowerment within your body so you can fully experience yourself as the being of love you are. 

There are 7 step in the Rebirth Into Love series called the 'Alchemy of Transformation' turning 'base' thoughts and feelings into 'gold' thoughts and feelings. Following the ancient alchemic steps of transformation. 
There are 5 levels in the Birth Into Being Method transformational healing course and facilitator training which can be done in a 10 day course with additional assisting... or over a 5 month period of time with one weekend of training and one of assisting, so each person comes out feeling confidant and able to facilitate BIB method level 1 & 2 workshops. 

Come experience your evolution.

For Questions and To book your place:

For more information check out:

and http://thegoldenlightlondon.blogger.com

Sunday 18 August 2013

Autumn Equinox Harvest Moon LIVE Music Dance & Social w WildLoveBeamer, MonKeefMagic & AviEsther

Harvest Moon LIVE Music Dance & Social w WildLoveBeamer, MonKeefMagic & AviEsther

Pisces Full Moon
Empathy& Compassion

Harvest Full Moon Dance will be a space of soulful retreat and a feast of spiritual nourishment. We will dance deeply with our bodies, hearts and imaginative minds; and with each other. We will invoke the gathering of the fruits of our journeys of work, play, dreaming, healing and manifestation through this year so far. In this time of harvest we invite a playful-prayful dance of self, relationship, interconnection and community. Whatever condition you find yourself in – bring it, dance it, explore it, move it, play with it, pray through it. Let’s see what abundance we can see and feel in ourselves, each other and our community of dancing humans (human dancings). Let’s see what gratitudes we can mix into the dancing medicine pot as an offering to ourselves, each other and the wider community of life on earth.

AND 10% of profits will be donated to Afrikaya charity & will go towards planting trees in Peru rainforest.

More info about the campaigns:

♥ Everything you can imagine is real ♥

7.30-10pm – Dance
10-11pm Social & Raw Food & Grounding Acorn Drink Bar

Prepaid tickets: £10
On the door: £15/£12

More about your facilitators:

ieva WildLoveBeamer

Ieva is an Ecstatic Dance facilitator and Partner, Community and Family Yoga teacher. She thinks that life is so wonderful and so much more when shared with other people, when joyous, creative, ecstatic and wild nature is expressed through body movement.Her background is in Psychology, Transpersonal Counselling and Social Work. Ieva incorporates her academic and esoteric knowledge and creates symbolic fun happenings to support individuals to open up to the wonder of this wonderful life!

Keef Miles (MonKeefMagic)

Keef Miles is the founder of PranaMotion with over 18 years of study and practice in a wide variety of yoga, body-work, ecstatic dance (5-Rhythms and Movement Medicine), meditation, tantric, shamanic, and other traditional and contemporary mindfulness practices - Keef brings a depth and lightness to his teachings. He is a multi-certified yoga teacher,Thai Yoga Massage Therapist and a long term Apprentice Teacher of Movement Medicine.

Avi Esther
For 16 years, Avi Esther Shekinah is highly trained and experienced in Deep Shamanic Healing Transformation and Empowerment. In the last 4 years, Avi Esther, has focused her work on Ecstatic Birthing which has given rise to Rebirth Into Love where she brings her gifts of love and joy to everybody.

For more info:
send aviesther 0781 752 4874
send a beam of love to ieva 0792 713 4455
send some monkey magic to keef 0783 470 3127


Tuesday 13 August 2013

Launch Your Dreams Party AND Journey Day

Saturday, March 22th 2014
Easy London Location TBA

Launch Your Dreams Day in alignment with the Vernal Equinox :
A Day of Journeying and Processes to Fully Align and Attract What You Wish To You, Catered Food and The Party for Package Deal, 
Please email thegoldenlightlondon@gmail.com to express interest!
£110 normal £100 low income £95 student/ concession
Just Journey 
£85 normal, £80 low income, £75 student/ concession

Party Part Opening to the Public at 18:30pm

  • 19:30pm Opening Ceremony Guided by Avi Esther Shekinah and Goddesses anointing with Aurora Alchemy oils and candle light ritual which will flow into,
  • Ecstatic Dance guided by Ieva Wildlovebeamer
  • DJ's and Live Music
  • Closing Ceremony Guided by Avi Esther Shekinah and all the Goddesses

Anchor and ground down in the safety of the earth to release everything that holds you back from receiving the dreams you most wish for. Through ecstatic release we will launch our dreams into the earth grid, then call in and dance into our bodies love and joy which attracts what we desire to us more quickly.

There will be a high activation of each person's golden light within your genetic coding, which allows each person in attendance to move through everything which holds them back from creating their heaven here on Earth, right now with greater ease and speed.

Delicious catered foods and a selection of teas/ juices and love potions available in chill out space before and after main events.

£25 normal, £20 low income,  £15 student/ concession (Please email thegoldenlightlondon@gmail.com to apply)


Friday 24 August 2012

Gamlingay Holistic Festival

9 September 2012

11.15 Clairvoyance Demonstration by Marie Hays, Spiritualist Medium (Entry £2)


12.00 The Female Cycle: a path to discover the real woman in you
By Gabriella Giuglielminotti-Trivel
Gabriella reveals how women can discover their inner beauty and wisdom by helping them to understand and reconnect to the secrets of the monthly cycle - their guidance to bliss and fulfilment

12.30 Overcoming Asthma and Anxiety with Better Breathing!
By Jen Tiller: NLP Trainer, Reiki Master, EFT Practitioner, Buteyko breathing therapist. Founder of Healerzone
We breathe 20 to 30 thousand times a day!    Habitual poor breathing triggers a wide range of health issues, from adrenaline overload to asthma and more. Once labelled “allergic to the 20th Century”, Jen Tiller is an ex-asthmatic and ex-agoraphobic. This talk will show you how to recognise good vs poor breathing habits and learn the steps to better breathing and better health!   

1.00 Birth Peace into your Life
By Avi Esther: Shamanic, tantric, healer and birth assistant
Avi assists pregnant women and their partners in letting go of their own birth trauma so they are free to give birth as they choose.  She also helps men and women become aware of, release, and recode traumatic imprints, ancestral wounds and subconscious attachments in order to be free of negative patterns and core habits.

1.30 Find your Route Map to Health with Iridology
  By Chrissy Gray: Master Herbalist, Naturopathic Iridologist, Nutritional Therapist, Reflexologist and Reiki Master   
Iridology is the science of interpreting the significance of markings in the iris of the eye (an extension of the brain) and their relationship to a person's health and wellbeing. It is a safe, non-invasive diagnostic tool which shows the constitutional strengths and weaknesses of an individual and the condition of their organs and body tissues. Chrissy uses Iridology to help establish the root cause of health problems, then recommends herbal medicine, nutritional and naturopathic treatments.

2.15 Shamanic Healing – An Introduction
By Michael Meredith: Shamanic Practitioner, Healer, Life Skills Coach, Founder of Cambridge Healing & Holistic Lifestyle GroupYour questions answered about this ancient holistic approach to health and wellbeing, plus a chance to try a shamanic healing self-diagnosis/self-repair practice for yourself. A Free laminated copy of The Shaman's Prayer for all who come along.

2.45 Dances of Universal Peace (DUP) Taster Session led by Michael Meredith
Experience Sacred Meditative Circle dances. We will be dancing a Native
American holistic integration dance plus an Hawaiian dance honouring Mother
Earth  preview the dance at: www.lovehealth.org/dances/videos.htm Full
instructions given, no partner needed.

3.15 Shamanic Drum Workshop
By Wellbeing Drummers Lenice Crane & Teena Couzens
Come and experience the magic of the Native American drum. All drums will be supplied. Lenice and Teena have a passion for the Native American way of life and shamanic drumming. They have witnessed the positive effects of the drum on their physical, emotional and mental wellbeing over the years, so they want people to come and experience the positive benefits for themselves. They are both experienced and qualified complimentary medicine practitioners of many years standing.

Gamlingay Holistic Festival
Sunday, 9 September 2012
11am to 4pm
Eco Hub
Stocks Lane
SG19 3QP

For info: Christina@christinacherry.com

Wednesday 22 August 2012

In Collaboration with Soul Healing Arts

Birth Into Being: Limbic Imprint Recoding

Guided By Avi Esther and Miranda Jay

Level 1
Sept 29+30
10am – 6pm
£150 pp / £250 per couple
Hertfordshire -- 20min by train from Kings Cross (accommodation available if needed). 

The way we are born sets the quality of how we experience life.
This workshop is for anyone who was born in a less than blissful way.

The Limbic System is the part of the brain that holds the memory of what we experience in life starting prenatally. Recoding the limbic imprint is a somatic process that works by including the body, emotions and mind to collectively release and neutralize trauma. One way this is accomplished is by having an ‘in-the-body’ experience of being born in love and bliss. When we can experience what we needed to happen as real, we can then reproduce that in our lives.
This workshop is for anyone who would like to release negative thought and emotional patterns and transform core habits. The processes are simple and highly effective and will give each participant new tools to enable a freer self and more thriving life.

The use of specific movements, breathing, guided imagery and group sharing, facilitates a harmonizing of the cortex with the reptilian and limbic systems of the brain. By re-coding our ‘basic-settings’ we clear the pathways for our creative flow, which helps to establish new habits from a place of alignment. Through understanding the link between what happened at our birth and our behavioural patterns we can find peace.

Limbic Imprint Re-coding creates new reference points within our nervous system which opens a new perception of happiness in every aspect of our lives. For most of us "we survived in spite of what happened to us" here is an opportunity to begin to let go of surviving and truly begin thriving. This workshop ignites profound and permanent transformation and allows us to enjoy the delicious, juicy experience of comfortably owning a body, being fully engaged and prosperous in life, and loving it!

If you are ready to let go of negative patterns in your life and realize yourself more profoundly, I invite you to take a step toward a healthier, aligned you by joining us on this profound and life changing workshop.

For more information or to book, please contact:

Avi Esther
07817 524 874 
Miranda Jay

Please pay in full, unless specifically arranged
otherwise. You're contribution ensures this
work continues.

Tuesday 3 July 2012

Birth Into Being: Limbic Imprint ReCoding, Level 1

Facilitated By Avi Esther and Heidi Oravasaari

West Hampstead, London
Level 1
July 21 +22
10am – 6pm
£150 pp / £250 per couple

The way we are born sets the quality of how we experience life.
This workshop is for anyone who was born in a less than blissful way.

The Limbic System is the part of the brain that holds the memory of what we experience in life starting prenatally. Recoding the limbic imprint is a somatic process that works by including the body, emotions and mind to collectively release and neutralize trauma. One way this is accomplished is by having an ‘in-the-body’ experience of being born in love and bliss. When we can experience what we needed to happen as real, we can then reproduce that in our lives.

This workshop is for anyone who would like to release negative thought and emotional patterns and transform core habits. The processes are simple and highly effective and will give each participant new tools to enable a freer self and more thriving life.

The use of specific movements, breathing, guided imagery and group sharing, facilitates a harmonizing of the cortex with the reptilian and limbic systems of the brain. By re-coding our ‘basic-settings’ we clear the pathways for our creative flow, which helps to establish new habits from a place of alignment. Through understanding the link between what happened at our birth and our behavioural patterns we can find peace.

Limbic Imprint Re-coding creates new reference points within our nervous system which opens a new perception of happiness in every aspect of our lives. For most of us "we survived in spite of what happened to us" here is an opportunity to begin to let go of surviving and truly begin thriving. This workshop ignites profound and permanent transformation and allows us to enjoy the delicious, juicy experience of comfortably owning a body, being fully engaged and prosperous in life, and loving it!

If you are ready to let go of negative patterns in your life and realize yourself more profoundly, I invite you to take a step toward a healthier, aligned you by joining us on this profound and life changing workshop.

For more information or to book, please contact:
Avi Esther
07817 524 874

Heidi Oravasaari
07921 222 320  

check out the websites:


Please pay in full, unless specifically arranged
otherwise. You're contribution ensures this
work continues.

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Birth into Being

Limbic Imprint Re-coding Level 1 with Avi Esther, Kasia & Seb
Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th March 2012

10am to 6pm each day
£150 pp or £250 couples

Birth Into Being: Limbic Imprint recoding workshop with Avi EstherThe way we are born sets the quality of how we experience life. This workshop is for anyone who was born in a less than blissful way.
How we access and use our creativity reflects our emotional experience during our formative years. The process of re-coding it has been developed to neutralize birth trauma. We do this by having an ‘in-the-body’ experience of being born in love and bliss.

This level 1 workshop unlocks the negative behaviour patterns running in our lives and realigns our actions with our emotions and desires. The use of specific movements, breathing, guided imagery and group sharing, facilitates a harmonizing of the cortex with the reptilian and limbic systems of the brain. By re-coding our ‘basic-settings’ we clear the pathways for our creative flow, which helps to establish new habits from a place of alignment. Through understanding the link between what happened at our birth and our behavioural patterns we can find peace.

Limbic Imprint Re-coding creates a new reference point within our nervous system which opens a new perception of happiness in every aspect of our lives. This workshop ignites profound and permanent transformation and allows us to enjoy the delicious, juicy experience of comfortably owning a body, being fully engaged and prosperous in life, and loving it!

If you are ready to permanently let go of negative patterns in your life and realize your full abundance, I invite you to take the first step toward a healthier, aligned you by joining us on this profound and life changing workshop.

For more information or to book, please contact me at avi.esther@yahoo.com
and you can insure your place now by booking below.
If you book, please let me know via email and I will respond with the address and what to bring.


For more information about the origins of this work please look at www.birthintobeing.com